Rectifikatioun fir gescheitert EMC Tester




EMC Schema Design

De ganze Prozess vun EMC an technesch Ënnerstëtzung fir de virleefeg Design vun Produit Fuerschung an Entwécklung, an déi komplett Referenz Design an technesch documents.Provide op-Site technesch Ënnerstëtzung a personaliséiert Produit Personnalisatioun Clienten ze hëllefen verbesseren, wëssenschaftleche a raisonnabel Mass Produktioun Léisungen.

EMC Test

Et kann Test fir CE, FCC, 3C an aner Zertifizéierung projects.And de Labo ass och mat automobile elektronesch Test Equipement equipéiert, kann eng Rei vun automobile virun Komponente testen.We bidden elektromagnetesch Onbedenklechkeet Testen Service, w.e.g. e Rendez-vous am Viraus.

EMC Rectifikatioun

Fir Leedung, Stralung an aner Testartikelen iwwerschreiden de Standard vun der Testprobe fir Verbesserungsvirschléi a substantiell Methoden, Géigemoossnamen virzestellen, Clienten ze hëllefen d'Interferenz vu Produkter ze reduzéieren, fir den Zweck vum Test z'erreechen.

EMC Labo Lease

Fir de Client seng fréi Prediction Test an no der Echec vun der Test.Laboratoire kann fir Client fir Multiple Authentifikatioun gelount ginn, Echantillon kann direkt geschéckt ginn, oder Clienten selwer kommen op de Site Test ,Maacht w.e.g. e Rendez-vous am Viraus.


Surge devices

Surge Apparater

Value Added Services Being your strategic partner, we can provide the following free services a) free one-to-one consulting services to solve all the testing and certification problems encountered in the global market access of your products. b) the authenticity inquiry service of reports and certificates. c) the recommendation of high quality suppliers. We have a database of 50,000 qualified suppliers (manufacturers) in China,

ESD elektrostatesch Auslaaf Testausrüstung

CE Certification Advantage We can test and prepare, customize the perfect, impeccable and unquestionable test reports in accordance with European LVD, EMC, ROHS, RED, MD Directives and Regulations. The quality and lead time of the testing and certification will surprise you and more than the price we offer.

Duerchgefouert Anti-Interferenz Test Ausrüstung

Local Services: Compared with large institutions such as TUV, SGS and Intertek, our price is only one third of theirs, together with shorter lead time. Free retest service is also available. You need to send samples only one time, all the testing and certification can be completed in our own lab in Shenzhen, China.

Log Periodesch Antenne (30MHz-1GHz)

Conduction test receiver(9KHz-3GHz)

Conduct Test Receiver (9KHz-3GHz)

Quality Assurance: If Anbotek has the chance to be designated as your laboratory in China, the test results from our laboratory for your Chinese supplier, whether pass or fail, we will inform you truthfully at the first time to prevent from false reports and non-conformity products.

Stralungstestspektrometer (10Hz-26.5GHz)